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Monday, January 25, 2016
Greener and Sustainable Transportation
In most cities in Malaysia, very few people uses the bike paths. Most users mainly cycle for recreational purposes only. In Holland, a country where cycling has become the norm, the dutch uses bicycle for their daily commuting to work, to school, to shop.. etc.. Making people leave their car at home and take public transportation still cannot be implemented in Malaysia. It has become a standard for one household to have three cars. This is also true for the lower middle income neighborhoods. We can see cars lined up the residential streets. I think we should make owning a second car expensive.. at the same time public transportation must be efficient, only then people would want to take the buses and trains. With that in place, we can hope people would cycle from home to the nearest transit station. Hmmm... it sounds like utopia at the rate we are going now.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Friday, March 15, 2013
PearL of wisDom # 4
For beautiful EYES, look for the GOOD in others
For beautiful LIPS, speak only words of KINDness
- Audrey Hepburn
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Lawatan Ke Rumah Amal Yan, Kedah
Sebelum pulang ke kampus, 28 orang pelajar berkenaan telah mengadakan program amal di Rumah Amal Yan, sebuah pusat latihan warga kurang upaya. Para pelajar telah mengumpul derma dari pelbagai pihak di UiTM untuk program amal berkenaan. Antara yang menyumbang adalah para pelajar, pensyarah dan staf Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur, penghuni kolej serta rakan-rakan mereka. Sumbangan juga diterima dari agensi dan individu luar.
Siswa-siswi kemudian menyanyikan beberapa buah lagu diikuti dengan majlis penyampaian sumbangan kepada setiap murid OKU dan barangan kepada Penyelaras Rumah Amal Yan. Penyampaian sumbangan disempurnakan oleh pensyarah pengiring, Prof madya Dr Habsah Hashim. Yang paling menyayat hati adalah disaat perpisahan apabila murid-murid OKU menyanyikan lagu "Namun ku Punya Hati" dengan cara dan kemampuan mereka sendiri. Ramai yang tersentuh dengan penyampaian bersahaja penuh ikhlas dari mereka..ramai yang menitiskan airmata... ada murid OKU yang memeluk abang-abang serta kakak-kakak yang sudi meluangkan masa untuk bermesra dengan mereka petang itu. Namun...kami harus pulang ke Shah Alam..tengah malam baru kami sampai ke kampus.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Monday, November 16, 2009
LiVe LiFe
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Jejak Jogja: Lessons on Life
The visit to Parangtritis beach to view the serenity of the sunset, the "andong" (horse carriage) ride to Puriwisata for dinner and watching the Ramayana theatre plus visits to royal palaces - the Mangkunegaran palace in Surakarta (Solo) & Kraton in Yogyakarta and the urban conservation site at Taman Sari had certainly made the five day's tour busy and interesting. Though the students learned a lot from the visit to UGM and the sightseeing and visiting tourist attraction places, one very important lesson that the students got from this visit is through observing the living conditions and the interactions they had with the ordinary people on the streets of Yogyakarta.
The Bachelor in Town & Regional Planning 08 students who went for "Jejak Jogja" had seen how people are making whatever they can to earn a living. Surely they will not forget being chased by the "asungan" sellers at Borobudur who would be willing to offer unbelievably low prices that had tempted many students to buy the souvenirs. The ever willing "amen" singers and musician who would use anything ... from a guitar to just bottles and sticks to entertain customers along Malioboro street, in the heart of Yokyakarta. Not to mention the sad encounters with beggers on the streets. The local authority had to put up signs as below to curb the situation. W
The "Jejak Jogja" project initiated by the BTRP 08 (Dec'08-Apr"09) students has certainly been a fruitful effort. Besides learning the differences in the planning system, the urban form and visiting interesting tourist attractions in daerah istimewa Yokyakarta and Surakarta, the experience about life through walking the streets of Jogja is the most priceless lesson that the students could learn ... this certainly cannot be taught through lectures in the classroom. Finally, the friendship that were forged with the UGM's students & staff and also the cheerful Pak Karjo, the tourist guide and the wonderful "mas-mas" from Jom Jalan Travel had certainly made the five-days stay a memorable one.
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